Score Board Font Free Download

Score Board Font

About Score Board Font

In this post, we shall present to you an exquisite and gorgeous texture known as the name of Score Board Font. This texture was developed by a well-known typographic designer Bou Fonts and it looks like the techno texture family.

The copy-and-paste capability of this typeface will make your designs more pretty. It is perfect for CSS and adobe photoshops.

The online generator tool of the Score Board texture will help you to transform all your normal or simple textures into stylish and modern shapes. It’s stylish and dotes shape texture will help you to make outstanding projects and is similar to the Erbos Draco Open NBP Font.

This texture glyph has a fixed character set but it still tends to make a report. The high x-height and open letterforms give this font a good appearance for visitors.


Due to its techno texture look impression, you may utilize this texture for different designs and methods. This font is suitable for making social media posts, banners, logo designs, posters, and much more other projects.

Many designers utilize it for creating card designs, printing, and cloth designs, and also utilize various software such as Illustrator, adobe photoshop, canva, and coral draw.

It has a numeral of unique characteristics, including a large selection of glyphs and support for multiple other international languages. It includes uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, numerals, symbols, and many other unique textures of the alphabet set.

Score Board Font View

Score Board Font View Score Board Font View

Font Information

Name Score Board Font
Designer  Bou Fonts
Style Techno
License Free for personal use

Font Family

  • Score Board Italic
  • Score Board semi bold
  • Score Board Regular
  • Score Board Bold

Fonts Similar to Score Board Font

The Score Board Font has many similar fonts available on this typeface such as;

LCD Dot Font

The LCD Dot typeface was developed by Omer Kose and is available in full version on this site. It is also free for all your private tasks. This texture is suitable for making posts, banners, titles, headings and much more methods.

Subway Ticker Font

The Subway Ticker texture based on the electronic front is seen for the first time on the new york subway train. It was invented by K-Type and is under the category of the techno texture family. This texture was published in February 2005.

You can also see more similar fonts to this typeface.

  • BPdotsSquares Font
  • The Led Display St Font
  • Erbos Draco Open NBP Font
  • Pica Hole – ABS Font
  • Bold LED Board-7 Font
  • Texas LED Font

Font Pairings

It can be paired with Rounded LED Board-7 Font. The combination of these fonts can make your designs more popular and astonishing.

Same with the ticker Font. This also makes an amazing combination with this font.

Others Fonts

  • Modern LED Board-7 Font
  • Dash Digital-7 Font

License Information

You can download it free from here for all your private projects. For business or massive levels, you must have to buy its full version from the owner of this typeface.


What type of font is Score Board Font?

Score Board Font was designed by a well-known typographic creator Bou Fonts and it looks like the techno texture family.

What font is closest to the Score Board Font?

The Texas LED is the very closest to the Score Board texture and has also amazing pairing status with many other fonts.

Can I utilize the Score Board Font free for commercial purposes?

No! You may only utilize this texture free for private methods, for commercial or business projects, you must have to buy its full version from the owner of this typeface.

Where can I utilize the Score Board Font?

you may utilize this texture for different designs and methods. This font is suitable for making social media posts, banners, logo designs, and many more.


It is perfect for all your fun designs and tasks. If you want to download it from her press the below button and get it on your PC or Mac without any security issues.


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